Wednesday, December 29, 2010

on our minds...

Christmas.. the day of the year that everyone looks forward to, the day everyone gets with family and celebrates. This year seemed to be different, hard to say the least. with out her it almost seemed pointless.  A double edged sward thinking about how much we missed her but how much we love the memories. Christmas eve our family gathered around and sang carols with candles lit. the tears flowed, the pain was there but so was her spirit. i was overcome with joy thinking of how bright she is. i love you sophie rose. 


my mom always says, " if i don't serve someone everyday other than my family, i just don't feel good" every year we have something called the TURKEY JAR. We throw our change into it and by the end of the year we go turn into cash. with the money we have and whatever else each member donates we buy a bunch of turkeys and take them to the food bank. this year we decided to bring groceries  and such to one of our good friends who we thought would find them useful. It was a small gesture but as a family really brought us together. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


If there is one thing that has saved me from finals this year it's Amy and Brain's all natural COCONUT JUICE.. WITH PULP! I absolutely love it! If I'm ever having a bad day you can guarantee this will make my day hahah.. 

BEWARE once you have more than 2 you get heavily addicted. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

the Waffle House

This is the most insane and incredible place in the world!  The only time to go is in the late hours of the night or  the early hours of the morning. And make sure Shannon is your waitress its a guaranteed good time!

Friday, December 10, 2010

dough eyed beauty

i recently took pictures of this dough eyed beauty! This was a candid shot i caught during the shoot that i just simply can't resist loving! more to come of course but enjoy a SMILE! XXX


Wednesday, December 8, 2010


What terrifies us about death is not the loss of the future but loss of the past. The Idea of forgetting...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Blue Foundation - Eyes On Fire - original music video

a good jam!!!!